Ogun State,Government House

8AM – 5PM


Why You Need a Board Room


A board room is a place that allows your team to gather and discuss the most important issues that will impact the success of your business. It’s a place where important decisions are made, so it’s vital that it’s properly appointed and professionally decorated.

According to the findings of a Gensler study the Gensler research report states that knowledge workers spend only 34 percent of their time doing individual work; the rest of their time is spent in meeting rooms. These meetings may include all-hands, department/team, and meetings for projects, as well for one-on-one sessions. These meetings are crucial for collaboration and decision making. While a boardroom can be ideal for larger-scale meetings smaller gatherings could be held anywhere in your office. In most instances, all you require for a team meeting is two conference tables and chairs.

So, your boardroom needs to be able to adapt and offer a variety of seating reconfigurations to ensure the best meeting outcomes. The seating arrangement you select should be based on the subject of discussion as well as your audience. For instance, a theatre layout can convey the sense of gravitas and make the audience feel more connected to the content. In contrast, a classroom layout could be used to teach and educate viewers.

Your requirements for AV are also important. A modern boardroom must be equipped with digital whiteboards, display screens and video conferencing technology to facilitate face-toface meetings. LED video walls have become popular due to their size. They are smaller and lighter than traditional projectors or monitors but still deliver the same quality image.

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