Ogun State,Government House

8AM – 5PM


Corporate Governance – Key Elements of Good Corporate Governance


Governance is the relationship between a company’s shareholders, board of https://dailyboardroom.com/how-to-lead-productive-brainstorming-meetings/ directors and management. This framework ensures the interests of all stakeholders are in alignment and allows the company to succeed in its long-term plans. Corporate governance practices that are effective are founded on the principles of transparency, accountability, and accountability, which helps to build trust with investors employees and customers, as well as fostering an environment of trust and respect for all stakeholders.

A good board of directors is comprised of insiders (major investors as well as founders and executives) and independent directors with no direct ties to the business. Directors from outside bring a fresh perspective and experience that can be beneficial in making business decisions. They also can serve as a sounding board to the insiders, giving them additional guidance and support.

Another essential aspect of governance is the concept of fairness which requires the business to treat all shareholders, vendors and employees equally. This is achieved by the disclosures that the company makes to its shareholders such as major decisions taken in the financial report, as well as the results of meetings.

A well-run board must be able to provide a reliable method for evaluating its effectiveness and that of the committees on a regular basis. This can be achieved by self-evaluations and surveys. The board should also review the CEO and senior managers on a continuous basis and, when necessary take part in their evaluations. The board should also establish guidelines for its committees, members and the senior management. This will help ensure that the leaders of the company and their employees are held accountable for their actions.

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