Ogun State,Government House

8AM – 5PM


The Benefits of a Board Portal Solution


A board portal that is well-chosen has a myriad of benefits for organizations seeking to streamline meeting workflows, collaborate confidently with secure features in place, and improve governance. It’s important to evaluate every feature with care and avoid over-engineered with unnecessary features that will add cost to an option. It is also important that your board portal provider has a good track record and provides responsive customer service in the event of an issue. Asking prospective vendors for feedback and references from customers who have used their software successfully in the past could prove helpful.

Streamlined Meeting Process

Modern portals let board members access agendas, notifications for meetings and digital board pack and other documents via their tablets or smartphones. They allow online note-taking and direct communication between board members on specific subjects. All communication is securely recorded on the portal. These discussions read revie are automatically transformed into meeting minutes and you can add an electronic signature on any board document.

Board members can easily annotate documents before a meeting in order to better prepare for the discussion and take part. Meetings can also be held in person, via a virtual meeting or in a hybrid format. It is essential to be able to create a boardbook from these meetings, and also to have the previous versions automatically updated when line items are changed. Finally, the option to conduct a post-meeting discussion allows leaders to decide on the best course of action to follow next, and record any agreed upon decisions.

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